Project Description


Kajaki Dam serves a multi-purpose role in supplying hydropower, irrigation storage and, to a lesser extent, flood control. Kajaki Dam is the primary source of sustainable power for the Kandahar City and Lashkar Gah regions.

Kajaki Dam is an integral part of a larger irrigation scheme in Helmand and Kandahar Provinces and is administered by the Helmand Arghandab Valley Authority of Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW).

The dam site is accessed by the road from Kandahar, traveling west through Marwand to Girishk, then turning north up along the east bank of Helmand River Valley.

Kajaki Dam is located on the Helmand River in southern Afghanistan (32.323N, 65.119E). The dam is an earth and rockfill embankment type dam 90 m high with a crest 10 m wide and 270 m long.

The dam was completed in 1953 with an uncontrolled, 113 m wide primary spillway cut into the adjacent bedrock. Excavation on the emergency spillway was left incomplete in 1979. The powerhouse was established in 1975 with two 16.5 MW generating units (#1 & #3) and an open center bay for an additional unit (#2).

Kajaki is the primary source of power for the Kandahar City region and supplies water to the heavily irrigated Helmand Valley.

Our commitment is rehabilitation of the entire dam in such a manner to execute renewal, construction, refurbishment and repairing works through consideration of technical disciplines such as structural, electrical, mechanical and also electromechanical.

Kajaki Dam – Irrigation Tunnel Works
Helmand Province, Kajaki / Afghanistan
US Army Corps of Engineers